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Borrowed Heart Page 5
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Page 5
“How was your day, guys?”
“Pretty awesome,” Billy said. “I’m not really into all the architecture and art stuff, but it was super cool and I learned a lot.”
Kyle nodded. “I took an art class in college, and it was really cool to see one of the pieces the professor talked about in real life. I loved just walking through the cathedral. My mom would have loved it and been totally blown away. It was so big.”
“And it’s eight hundred years old,” Mason said as he pulled out the chair next to Robin and sat. “I’m Mason.”
“This is Kyle and Billy,” Robin supplied, and looked toward the dining room door, suppressing a growl.
“I think Robin was saving that seat,” Kyle said, bless his heart.
“For me, I’m sure. Robin and I are… old friends.” Mason flashed his smile, but Kyle didn’t seem to be buying Mason’s explanation. Robin didn’t want to make waves at dinner, so he kept quiet and watched as the servers brought out trays of plates.
Johan came in and joined one of the other tables, and Robin turned back to his group, figuring he might as well make the most of it.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Tomorrow is totally different. Baden-Baden is an amazing town with upscale shopping.”
“What does Baden mean?” Kyle asked.
“It’s a spa town—has been since the Romans. There are ruins there that we’ll be able to see. But our first stop will be the Friedrichsbad. It’s our spa stop.”
“Are you sure?” Mason asked, turning to him with his I-know-best look that made Robin want to smack him. “It’s the more traditional of the spas.”
Robin flashed Mason a warning look, which he seemed intent on ignoring. “It’s what was advertised on the tour.” Robin didn’t change anything that had been billed with the package. If tour members didn’t wish to go, that was their decision, but he wasn’t going to upset people by removing something they had paid for. “It will be fine.”
“So you’re going,” Mason said, the challenge in his voice as clear as a bell.
“You are going with us, aren’t you?” Kyle asked.
“I will have some things to do, and I usually get them done while you enjoy the spa. That way everything can be ready when you’re done.” There. That sounded completely reasonable and not at all like he was scared half to death at the thought of being naked, his scars on display in front of everyone.
Robin turned his attention to his plate of bratwurst, fried potatoes, and green beans. It smelled heavenly, and he hoped he could figure out a way to change the subject. Thankfully Mason and Kyle started talking about football. Robin tried to think of something to speak with Billy about, but he seemed more intent on watching Kyle, the same way Robin found his gaze traveling to Johan in each spare moment.
“Are you listening?” Mason asked, and Robin pulled his attention away from Johan. “I was saying that some of the guys may want to go to the Caracalla Therme instead, and—”
Robin side-kicked Mason under the table, and he startled. “Everyone is welcome to do what they’re comfortable with. But the tour already includes the one bath, and the arrangements are made and paid for.” That should shut Mason up. Mason was a jerk, always needing to be the center of attention. “After the spa, which is amazing—”
“So you’re going,” Mason pressed, and Robin ground his teeth and thought about kicking him again, but it wasn’t going to do any good. Mason’s smug smile told him all he needed to know.
“I can go.” The things he did to keep the peace.
“Then we’ll go together,” Mason said with a satisfied grin as Robin tried to figure out what his game really was.
“Actually, I’m going as well,” Johan piped up from behind him. “Robin and I already arranged to spend the day together.” Johan winked as Robin turned to him.
Both Kyle and Billy snickered, and Mason’s lower jaw just about hit the table.
“Everything okay?” Robin asked quietly, and Johan shrugged. Damn. Robin realized he’d been rescued once again. Johan had probably just come over because he’d overheard what was said.
“Everything is fine. The bus is good, and we’ll be ready first thing in the morning. What time did you want everyone gathered?”
“I was going to tell them eight.” Robin’s nervousness slipped away and he felt in control once again.
“The bus will be ready,” Johan said, then went back to his seat.
Robin did his best to ignore Mason and finish his dinner. Billy and Kyle were talking with Mason, and Robin used the distraction to eat quickly before excusing himself. He went outside into the early twilight, looking out toward the river and bridge. He wanted to call Albert and give him a piece of his mind, but then how could Albert have known this was his ex?
Robin clenched his fists and turned back to the hotel. God, why did Mason have to show up? This sucked big-time. He had to be nice to him and treat him like any other member of the group. It was so damned frustrating and so not fair.
Robin clamped his eyes closed when he heard footsteps approach. A familiar touch rested on his shoulder, and he tensed. “What do you want, Mason?”
“Hey. I didn’t mean to get in the middle of things with you and the driver.” Mason stood next to him. Robin could feel it, but he kept his eyes closed. He didn’t want to see Mason’s big brown eyes or the way he made himself look innocent and gentle. That was an act. Robin knew that now, and he’d endured it during the rip-the-Band-Aid-off breakup.
“Johan… he and I work together, and he’s a nice guy.” Robin might have fantasized about him a few times, especially that afternoon in that bathing suit, but he had no illusions that a guy like Johan was going to be interested in him. He’d learned his lesson with the man standing next to him.
“So, you aren’t dating him?” Mason asked, and Robin shook his head. “Then you wouldn’t mind if I talked to him.”
Robin opened his eyes and turned to Mason. “No, go right ahead.” He smiled and shook his head as it faded quickly. “God, I was in love with you, and I spent the last six months wondering what I could have done to make you happy.” He stepped into Mason’s space. “You pulled the damn rug out from under me, and I fucking let you.” He shook with anger and hurt as the words came pouring out of him. “Now you show up and want to act as if nothing happened and everything is just fine and hunky-dory between us. We’re friends now, pals.” Robin vibrated as he tried to contain his rage. “Well, friends don’t treat people the way you treated me, and they certainly don’t undermine me in front of the rest of the tour group. So if you want to be part of the tour, that’s great, but step out of line….” He leaned closer. “So help me, I’ll rip your little walnuts off.”
Mason stepped back. “What happened to you?” He had the audacity to look shocked.
“I don’t know. You dumped me two days before Christmas at my parents’ house. In front of my entire family.” Robin wanted to tear his head off at the moment. “Then you left, you fucking left, at Christmas. I wanted to crawl into a hole, and let’s not go into the things you said.” He glared at Mason, hard.
“Things weren’t working for us. You have to know that.”
“Oh, quit with that crap. You had plenty of time to decide what you wanted. You knew, and you decided to wait until you and I disagreed about something, and then—wham—you hit me with everything and left. Don’t you dare waltz in here and play this ‘we’re old friends’ shit.” Robin curled his lips upward. “There’s a thin line between love and hate, and honey, you walked over that line the minute you sat down at that table. So tread lightly.” Robin turned away. He was through with this for now.
He went back inside to find the dining room was emptying out. Robin got a glass of water and sat at one of the few occupied tables.
“Are we really going to a spa tomorrow where everyone is naked?” Oliver asked.
“Yes. It’s very natural here. There will be men and women, old and young. It doesn’t matter, because
after a few minutes in the saunas and steam rooms, you’re going to be so relaxed, you aren’t going to care. Trust me.” Robin looked up to see Javier patting Oliver’s hand. It was the nicest gesture of comfort or even caring he’d seen between them.
“Really?” Oliver colored deeply. “Who is going to want to see this old body anyway?” he groused softly.
“This isn’t about being seen, but relaxing and getting cleaner than you have ever been in your life. There’s no real sexiness about it. Just let it go and don’t worry about it. That’s what I did the last time I was there.” And that had been one of the hardest things Robin had ever done in his life. He hadn’t been there with a tour group, so it didn’t really matter who saw him. Tomorrow was a different situation, but he’d already let Mason goad him into going, and he wasn’t going to back out.
“Okay.” Oliver finished his coffee and got up from the table. Javier followed, and they left the dining room.
Robin figured it was time for him to go up to his room. Most of the group seemed to have headed out to the cafés for dessert, but he was exhausted, and he’d have to be up early so he could be ready when everyone else needed to go. He certainly wasn’t looking forward to another night on that damned cot. But it was one last night, and then hopefully something would change.
ROBIN GENTLY climbed onto the cot in the now-dark room. He was as tired as he could ever remember being. The confrontation with Mason had taken the last of his energy, and once the river of pain and anger had stopped flowing, he’d been wrung out. Johan would be to bed eventually, but Robin needed to rest now.
The evening was warm, and even with the window open, the air didn’t move. Robin tried to get comfortable but couldn’t find a good position, though he finally fell asleep out of pure exhaustion.
“Hey,” Johan whispered in his ear, and Robin slid his eyes open. “You’re tossing and turning, and that damned cot squeaks all the time.” Johan tugged him off the cot. “Come on. You need rest, and I need to sleep if I’m going to be able to drive the bus in the morning.” Johan guided him to the bed and pulled back the covers. Robin was too tired and muddleheaded to give it much thought. He slid beneath the covers and closed his eyes, barely able to stay awake.
At some point in the night, Robin must have shifted, and he woke warm, almost hot, pressed to Johan as though his life depended on it.
Johan slept on, his breathing regular, breath sliding over Robin’s ear, and Robin was as excited as he’d ever been. And if Johan’s hand were any lower, he’d be well aware of just how excited Robin was. Carefully, Robin slipped out of Johan’s arms and climbed off the bed. As quietly as he could, he went to the bathroom, used the facilities, and then took his morning pills. He needed to get moving. There would be a light breakfast available in half an hour, and the bus left at eight.
Johan was awake when Robin came out, sitting on the edge of the bed in a pair of sleep shorts and nothing else, a sight to behold.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Until you got out of bed,” Johan answered, wiping his hands down over his face.
“It’s almost seven. I have to get downstairs and get this tour day started, and you need to make sure the bus is ready and….” Robin set his suitcase on the bed and pulled out clothes for the day.
He felt more than heard Johan come up behind him, his big, strong hands sliding down his shoulders and arms, stilling him. Then, with gentle force, he tugged Robin back, pressing him to his chest. “Just relax. Everything is going to be fine.”
Robin tensed. He didn’t want to move and break the contact, but it made him nervous too. Okay, definitely more excited than actually nervous.
Johan slid his hands around Robin’s chest and belly, holding him tighter, resting his head next to Robin’s, just standing still and quiet in the fresh morning air.
“But I have to get going,” Robin argued with no heat whatsoever. This was too nice to want it to stop.
“So do I,” Johan agreed, also without moving. “Just relax. Everything is going to be fine today.” Johan held him a little tighter before releasing his arms. Robin hoped his knees didn’t buckle from under him, and he managed to stay on his feet. If something as simple as being held made him light-headed, he was in trouble.
Robin slowly reached for his clothes and dressed once Johan’s hotness was safely behind the bathroom door. Time to get his day started, even if Robin’s mind lingered on the night before. Johan was still bathing when Robin left the room with his suitcase. Downstairs, he put his luggage with the others and headed to breakfast.
It was readily apparent that some of the guys had been out late and probably drank a little too much. Kyle seemed okay, but Billy sat at the table with his head in his hands, groaning softly to himself.
“Drink this,” Kyle said, setting a glass filled with tomato juice in front of him. “You need something in your belly, and this will help clear your head. It’s like a Bloody Mary without the alcohol.”
Robin wondered what was in it as he sat down.
After a few drinks, Billy seemed somewhat revived, fanning his face. “What the hell did you put in there?”
“Hot sauce,” Kyle told him. “The cure for what ails you. Now drink the rest of it.”
Billy set the glass down, drank a full glass of water, and then got some more tomato juice to cut down his drink. At the very least he seemed to be thinking more clearly.
Robin ate a roll with some butter and some cheese, keeping it light, as others wandered in and sat down. “I hope everyone had a great evening last night.” Robin stood at his place. “Johan will bring the bus around a little before eight. Just bring him your bags, and he’ll load them in the bus, and then we can get going. The drive to Baden-Baden is about three hours or so. It’s a beautiful town, with grand buildings, a stunning shopping plaza, and even Roman ruins. We will be heading into the baths at eleven, and we need to be on time. You don’t need to bring anything with you other than fresh clothes to change into when you’re done.”
A couple hands went up. “Why?” Grant asked. “I just put these on.”
“Because once you’ve been through the spa, you will feel cleaner than you’ve ever felt in your life, and putting on clothes you’ve already worn is going to feel awful. Trust me. They have an entire regimen for you to follow, and it will take two to two and a half hours that will fly by. So finish your breakfast and join us on the bus at seven forty-five.” Robin sat back down to finish his breakfast.
Johan sat down beside him with a plate, eating quickly.
“Isn’t this nice,” Mason said as he sat down at the end of the table. Robin turned to glare at him, but Mason seemed intent on his plate. Still, Robin had noticed the disapproval in his voice, as though Mason had anything to say about who he ate with.
“We’re going to get our stuff,” Kyle said, full of energy and half carrying a still-hungover Billy along with him.
Johan finished his coffee in a last few gulps. “I’m going to get the bus brought around.” He left, and Robin once again found himself alone, or relatively so, with Mason.
Part of him did a little flush of excitement, out of a sort of muscle memory. Things between the two of them had been heady and exciting when they’d first met. Robin hadn’t thought that someone hot, like Mason, would be interested in him, and it had really seemed as though Mason didn’t care about his physical limits. They dated and had fun together. They didn’t make love right away, but waited, and Robin fell hard for Mason’s patience and gentleness.
“Did you sleep okay?” Robin asked, trying to say anything to alleviate the awkwardness, and finding it hard. They had been together for five years…. Small talk seemed stupid with someone you knew really well—or thought you did.
“Yes. It was a fun last night. I went out with the guys, and we found a place to dance.” Mason met his gaze. “I didn’t have to worry about getting tired or moving too fast. I could dance and go to my heart’s content. It was really fun.” Mason ripped a
bite off his roll and shoved it into his mouth.
“You never did like to wait for anyone.” Robin had always brought up the rear with Mason. He had his own speed.
Mason tore off another bite. “It’s nice sometimes not to have to. And I didn’t have to be in at any particular time. The club we found closed at two, and we danced and I met some guys. They were fun, and we….”
Robin shook his head, and Mason finally seemed to get that Robin wasn’t interested in his exploits. “I’m glad you had a good time.” He pushed the chair back. “I’ll see you on the bus.” He needed to get the hell away before his hurt took over. Robin was well aware that Mason’s comments were directed at him. He’d thought that Mason understood that he had limits. But any empathy turned out to be a sham, just like a lot of the things Robin thought Mason had accepted. Maybe Robin wasn’t worth being with at all and should just accept that he was going to be alone.
Robin went outside, standing in front of the hotel to get a little air. Johan pulled up in the bus, then stepped off, smiling, and Robin forgot about the crap with Mason for a few seconds.
“Are they about ready?” He stepped closer, looking around. “Where is everyone?”
“Getting their things,” Robin answered, his heart beating a little faster as Johan stood still, locking Robin in his heated gaze.
“Did you sleep better last night?” Johan whispered, and Robin nodded, his mouth going dry. He was about to answer when Oliver and Javier came out, with Javier pulling their luggage. Robin stepped away and collected their room keys as Johan got busy loading their luggage.
“Take your seats, and we’ll get going as soon as everyone is on the bus.”
Lily and Margaret came out, as did a few of the other couples. Grant shuffled his feet, still half asleep as he handed over his luggage and keys, then schlepped onto the bus. Billy and Kyle appeared as well, with Billy looking marginally better.
“You can probably sleep a little on the bus if you like,” Robin offered to Billy, who smiled slightly, dragging after his late night.