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Survive and Conquer Page 2

  “DAD, WILL there be kids?” Eric asked as he set the table.

  Newton rolled his eyes. “Yes. I already told you.” He put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “You need to listen to me. You get involved in the television or in your games, and you don’t pay attention to anything around you.” He pulled out a chair and sat down, grateful to be off his feet. “You’re getting older, and you need to listen. You’ll be a lot happier if you pay more attention to what’s happening around you.” He made sure that Eric was watching him and that he had his full attention. “There are two girls coming. They’re six and eight, but they have been through some bad things. We don’t ask about them, and you need to not yell or run around.” That was like asking the tide to stop rising, but he had to try.

  “Do they play dolls?” Rosie asked. Newton smiled and nodded. “Then I’ll get some of mine that they can play with while they’re here.” She ran away toward the stairs and then came back. “I’ll share, but they can’t keep them. They’re my dollies,” she pronounced and raced toward the other room.

  Newton chuckled under his breath. That was both happy and sad at the same time. “Of course not. Those are your toys, and it’s really nice of you to share.”

  Rosie had been in a foster home, and because of her vision issues, which were largely corrected by glasses and regular visits to the eye doctor, she hadn’t been adopted. Newton had taken one look at the special little girl with the Coke-bottle glasses perched on her little nose and the band around her head to hold them in place and had fallen in love instantly. Dozens of appointments and a number of prescription changes had corrected some of her vision issues, but the trauma of the foster homes lingered, including the fact that her toys had often been appropriated or simply hadn’t been hers and hadn’t moved with her.

  “Okay, Dad. I’ll try,” Eric said.

  Newton’s brain shifted back to their conversation. “Okay.” He hugged him. “Go ahead and finish setting the table, and then you need to help me with dinner.” Newton needed all the help he could get. He’d pulled out a number of recipes and decided to try one for something called Hawaiian chicken. It was currently in the oven, and the scent was even more enticing than he had hoped it would be.

  “Okay,” Eric said and got back to work.

  Rosie joined him in the kitchen a few minutes later, and Newton gave each of them a task. They were easy, but making dinner, even something as simple as chicken nuggets and salad, was usually done together.

  Newton checked his phone, expecting a cancellation from Chase at any time, but it stayed quiet. He was almost finished getting things ready when the doorbell rang. Newton let Angela and the girls in the house. He introduced the kids, and Rosie took the girls up to her room to play.

  “I brought some dessert.” Angela followed him into the kitchen and set a cake carrier on the counter. She lifted the lid, and the scent of rich chocolate had his stomach rumbling. “I figured I’d pull out all the stops.”

  “Awesome.” Newton was a little nervous and checked his dish again, thinking he’d give it ten more minutes and then it would be ready to come out, just about the time Chase should arrive. Newton closed the oven and went to finish the salad Eric had abandoned to go back to his video games. “I suspect he’s going to ask you about your case. Be truthful and don’t be afraid to lay it on thick. He needs to know what Reggie did and what you’re up against.”

  She pursed her lips and nodded. “I know I’m going to have to tell this story a lot, but it’s not easy. It sucks knowing their father could just walk away from them.”

  “It’s going to be even harder in court.” The doorbell rang, and Newton girded his loins, as it were, and went to answer it. The girls came down the stairs, probably to see who was there.

  Chase stood on his steps in sharply pressed tan slacks and a dark blue sweater smoothed over his torso. He looked like something straight out of a magazine.

  “Thank you for coming,” Newton said when he remembered he was supposed to be talking and not just staring. He motioned, and Chase stepped inside. Newton had made sure the kids had picked up their toys and that the house was relatively clean, but it was difficult to sweep away the effects of two young kids completely. “This is Angela Wilson,” Newton said by way of introduction. “And her daughters. Marcie, and this is Debbie.” He smiled at her youngest, but she tried to hide behind her mother.

  “Chase Matthews. It’s good to meet you.” They shook hands as Newton closed the door. “Dang, it smells good in here. I love pineapple… and chocolate.” He knelt down to say hello to both of Angela’s girls, but they stayed close to their mother, their eyes as wide as saucers.

  “Why don’t you have a seat? I can bring you something to drink and then finish up dinner.” Newton peeked into the family room. “Eric, I need your help.” This time Eric turned off the television and followed him into the kitchen. “Find out what our guests would like to drink while I get dinner out.”

  Eric hurried away, and Newton got the Pyrex dish out of the oven and set it on the burners. The sauce bubbled nicely, and the topping was golden brown, just like the recipe said it should be. He took off his oven mitts, closed the door, and together with Eric, got waters for his guests and brought the glasses into the living room.

  “Girls, it’s about dinnertime,” he called into the other room, and the three of them trooped in. Newton and Angela ushered them into the dining room and to places at the table. Angela sat between her daughters, and Newton did the same with his kids on the other side of the table, with Chase at the end. Since the casserole was superhot, he dished up for Chase and then handed the spoon to Angela.

  “Daddy, what do we call him?” Rosie stage-whispered, pointing to Chase.

  “How about Mr. Chase, and you can call her Ms. Angela, okay?” Newton looked at the others. Angela nodded, and Chase seemed surprised, but nodded as well.

  Rosie seemed satisfied and took a bite of the chicken. “Mr. Chase, are you a teacher? You dress like Mr. Baxter.” She smiled.

  “No. I’m a lawyer.”

  Rosie frowned. “That’s too bad.”

  “Honey.” Newton had no idea what was going on. “That wasn’t nice.”

  Rosie leaned close, near tears. “But we’re supposed to kill all the lawyers. That’s what they said on television.” She puffed out her lower lip, and Newton turned to Eric.

  “What were you watching that you weren’t supposed to?” Newton demanded, and Eric had the grace to look sheepish. “If it was Law and Order, I’m….” He swallowed the threat because Eric got the message. “Honey, that was a show for grown-ups, and it was meant as a joke.” Oh good Lord.

  “Oh.” Rosie went back to eating like there was nothing wrong.

  Chase turned away from the table, trying not to laugh but failing. The sound was like the ringing of a large bell: deep, resonant, clear, and a joy to listen to. Rosie seemed completely happy now, and Newton and Angela shared a look of understanding.

  “You never know what these kids will say,” Angela said, then bit her lower lip. Newton knew what she was thinking, but that conversation was for when there weren’t little ears around. Her daughters ate but didn’t say much. Newton wondered if it was because Chase was a stranger. Not that he could blame them.

  Angela’s youngest, Debbie, whispered something to her, and Angela nodded. “Why don’t you ask Rosie if she’s done, and then you can all go play.”

  Rosie slipped off her chair, and the three girls went upstairs to Rosie’s room. Eric was still eating—that boy was developing a hollow leg, which Newton was pleased to see. He cleaned his plate and then asked to be excused.

  “Of course, but keep the volume down.” He knew his son well.

  “This was wonderful,” Chase said as he took a break from eating. “I haven’t had anything home-cooked in a while.” He smiled and turned to Angela. “I think we should talk about your case. That is why I’m here.”

  She nodded but seemed to pale.

; “This is hard for her still,” Newton said.

  “Yes, I know. But I need the facts in the case, and it’s unfortunate, but the justice system has little concern for feelings or how much people are hurting. Take your time.”

  Angela glanced toward the stairs. “My husband, hopefully ex-husband soon, he just left us. Reggie….” She used her napkin to wipe her eyes. “My youngest, Debbie, told me that he would leave them alone when I wasn’t there. While he was away, the house caught fire because he left something on the stove.”

  “He’s legally neglectful, tried and convicted,” Newton added quietly.

  “I filed for divorce because I need to separate my life from his, and the girls deserve a chance at some distance and to be able to recover. Reggie said he wouldn’t contest it. But then his parents decided to throw their money around, and now they are trying to say that I’m an unfit mother, that I’m trying to cut away their son’s rights and their rights…. He neglected his daughters and left us to try to save his own skin—how can he have rights?” She sipped some water. “I only want my daughters to have a chance at some happiness.”

  Newton stepped in for Angela’s sake. “We have Angela and her daughters in therapy, and the girls are progressing. I know they’ve been quiet because you’re a new person, but….” As if on cue, laughter drifted down from upstairs, all three girls giggling and squealing in delight. It was a gorgeous sound. “You can hear that things are improving.”

  “I’m doing my best to keep all of this from them. They don’t need this ugliness. But my in-laws are making it hard.” Angela set down her napkin. “They actually told me that they wanted the girls to spend the weekend with them, and that while they were there, they could take them to visit their daddy.” She blinked, her expression growing fierce. “Like hell they will. Those idiots want to take my girls to visit someone who almost got them killed. Over my dead body.” She shook with justified rage.

  Chase sat quietly, listening. “Family law in Wisconsin isn’t as convoluted as most states. Thank goodness. Since he’s been convicted of neglecting the girls, we can petition to sever his parental rights. As for the grandparents, we can allow them visits, but with conditions and, if necessary, under supervision. We can also petition the courts for a ruling that the girls are not to see their father until they are old enough to decide on their own if they want to.”

  Angela half smiled. “Is it that easy?”

  “Things are never that easy, but we can make a good case.” Chase drank some water himself and seemed to be thinking. “Grandparents have no particular rights here. This happens quite often. Grandparents step in, thinking they have some special legal dispensation, but they don’t.”

  All three girls traipsed in carrying dolls and sat at their places. “Can we have cake, Daddy?” Rosie asked.

  “It’s chocolate,” Debbie offered, her first words to the adults since arriving.

  “Do you like chocolate?” Chase asked her.

  She nodded, clutching one of Rosie’s dolls to her. “I like it this much.” Her arms went out for a few seconds and then she clutched the doll again.

  “I like it that much too.” Chase winked at her, and she smiled a real smile. “How about you?” he asked Marcie, who nodded.

  Angela sighed, putting her arms around both of them. “They used to be such happy girls, but then they changed. Now they’re quiet and shy.” She hugged each of them. “It’s okay. Mr. Chase is a nice man, I promise you.”

  Both girls nodded but didn’t say much more to Chase. It seemed he’d gotten what he was going to get out of them. Newton had met them more than once, and he hadn’t gotten either of them to talk much more than tonight either.

  “I’ll cut the cake,” Newton offered, and went into the kitchen. He brought plates to the table and then the cake, setting it in the center. The scent must have drawn Eric, because he came and sat in his place. Newton cut small pieces for the girls and Eric, then ones for Chase, Angela, and himself. He got forks and refilled glasses before sitting back down.

  “This is awesome,” Chase said as he ate.

  “Angela baked it. She’s amazing with things like that.” Maybe he was laying it on thick, but Newton wanted Chase to take her case. He hadn’t known her that long, but if she could make this amazing cake, one where neither of his kids said a word while wolfing it down, she knew her stuff.

  “Is it good?” Chase asked Debbie, who smiled and nodded, her lips covered with chocolate.

  “Mama bakes real good,” Marcie said, and she took another bite. At least both girls had said something and seemed to be relaxing a little.

  Newton slowly ate his cake, watching that Eric didn’t gulp his and that Rosie didn’t make a huge mess. “Are you all done?” Newton asked the girls. “Then go wash up and you can play.” He cut Eric another small piece of cake because he didn’t seem to be able to get enough to eat. Eric took his plate and left the table to play video games, leaving the adults alone once again.

  “Do you think you can help?” Newton asked Chase. He could see the indecision in his eyes.

  “Yes,” he finally answered, sharing a smile with Angela before turning his intense gaze on Newton. “You sure don’t take no for an answer when you really want something.” He didn’t seem angry or upset. Chase passed Angela a business card. “Call my office and make an appointment for next week. Bring all the documentation. We’ll develop a strategy and counter these arguments before they can really take hold.” Chase pushed away from the table. “I need to get going.” He stood, with Newton and Angela both doing the same.

  Newton saw Chase to the door. “Thank you for helping her,” he said softly. “I know I came on strong, but….”

  Chase actually smiled. “You’re a man who follows his passions, I can see that. You have strong beliefs and are willing to fight for them. That’s something worth admiring, and—”

  Angela hurried over. “There’s something wrong with Eric. He’s having trouble breathing.”

  Newton hurried to the family room, where Eric sat in the chair, gasping for breath. Newton took his pulse and found it racing.

  “What do you need me to do?” Angela asked.

  “I need to get Eric to Children’s Hospital right away,” Newton said with remarkable calmness.

  “Should I call an ambulance?” Chase asked.

  “No. They aren’t going to know what to do for him,” Newton said as Chase lifted Eric into his arms and carried him through the house. “Rosie,” he called, “go get in the car, right now! We have to take care of Eric.”

  “I’ll get him into the car,” Chase said.

  “We have to go. Rosie, hurry, we need to go.” His heart raced as Chase carried Eric to the car, thinking only of his son. This had happened before, but it had been months since he’d had an attack. They used to scare the hell out of him, but he knew what to do now. So did Rosie, who brought the backpack he kept in Eric’s closet and climbed into her car seat. Newton got Eric settled in the back and told him to stay calm. Angela was already leaving the house with the girls as Newton climbed in the car. Chase raced back and locked the house.

  Newton jumped when the passenger door opened and Chase got in, buckling up. “Let’s get going.”

  “You don’t need to….” Newton began even as his hand put the car into reverse and he backed out of the drive, then took off down the road like a bat out of hell.

  “Can you talk to me, Eric?” Newton asked.

  “Yes,” he said raspily.

  “What do you need me to do?” Chase asked, turning toward the back seat.

  Newton didn’t take his eyes off the road. Time was of the essence. “He needs to stay alert if possible. Eric, we’re only ten minutes from the hospital. Just concentrate on breathing as best you can.”

  Eric started coughing—wet, painful coughs that Newton felt right along with him. He knew his lungs were filling with fluid and he had to get him to the hospital.

  “Eric, buddy, are you still with me
?” Chase reached back. “Just nod for me. Great. Keep your eyes open if you can and take my hand.” Chase held Eric’s hand, and as soon as they reached the freeway, Newton floored it. Traffic was light, and he knew this route well, pulling off five miles down, exiting, and making the turn into the hospital downtown and right into Emergency.

  Newton ran around, lifted Eric out of the back, and carried him inside. He and Rosie had done this enough that he knew she would be right behind him with the backpack.

  “I take it you’ve done this before?” Chase said.

  Newton nodded as he helped Eric up to the desk. He gave his name and Eric’s, and was escorted right into the back. Thank God Jerry Young was on duty. He had helped Eric before, and while the nurse got the admission information, Jerry was already issuing instructions for an IV with saline. He put it in and got it going.

  Newton sat next to the bed while the nurses hooked Eric up to the monitors. Usually the first thing that they would do under the circumstances was administer oxygen, but that wasn’t going to help Eric. His lungs were flooded, and getting him saline and regulating his internal fluids emptied his lungs. Oxygen alone wasn’t going to do anything for him.

  Newton stressed as he watched Eric’s once-elevated heart rate, now very low, start to come up again, and as the minutes passed, his breathing improved. Only then did he look around and realize that Rosie wasn’t with him.

  “Where is Rosie?” Newton asked Macy, one of the nurses he’d come to know. Hell, by now he knew most of the ER staff.

  She leaned closer. “She’s out in the waiting room sitting next to a gorgeous man with the most intense eyes I have ever seen. Are you dating him? Because if you’re not, I’d like a shot at his fineness.” She winked.

  “He’s a lawyer, and no, I’m not dating him.” Newton never dated anyone. Between the kids and his own issues, they didn’t stick around for very long. “He was meeting with one of my clients at the house when Eric had his episode, and he came along.”

  “Do you want me to bring them back?”

  “Would you?” Newton didn’t want to leave Eric.