Fire and Obsidian Page 11
“Mattias…,” James growled.
“You think that’s going to work? You’re two seconds from smiling because you’re damned proud of yourself, and if I’m not mistaken, you’re remembering a little more of last night than you admitted to.” He loved this and the way the color rose into James’s neck and cheeks. “Do you really want me to go on?”
James shook his head. “Am I really that much of an open book?”
“You mean to the guys?” Mattias placed his palms on James’s shoulders. “No. They look at you as a colleague and nothing more. At first, I watched you because you fascinated me, and frankly I thought you might be a threat. Then you came to my rescue, and I thought that maybe there was a heart behind the badge.” He ran his hands over James’s shirt, tweaking his nipples when he encountered them. “Last night I found out about everything under this detective’s suit and tie.”
“You think so?” James placed his hands on top of Mattias’s, their heat melding together.
Mattias held still, his fingers itching for more. “Yeah. I found a heart and someone who craves being touched but doesn’t seem willing to admit it.” He closed his arms around James, who eased up on his hands, still touching him but no longer trying to stop him.
“Mattias… that mouth….”
He chuckled. “What? I haven’t even begun talking dirty yet.” Still, he could almost feel James’s heart beating under his hands, and the musky scent that wafted around him was more than enough to tell him just how much he was affecting James. He loved the fact that James shook a little bit and was doing his best to control himself. Mattias intended to stretch James’s control to the breaking point and see just what the man had when he let go.
“This is you being clean?” James mumbled.
“I haven’t said a single word that I wouldn’t say to your mama. Sometimes the sexiest things are the ones that leave a lot to the imagination.” Mattias leaned over, running his hands down James’s belly and then back up when his hips started rolling. He really was getting to James, and he started to wonder how long it would be before James took over. The guy was way too alpha for words, and Mattias liked that. He also loved poking the bear to see how quickly he could get a rise, and it seemed he was getting one right now, if the tent in James’s pants was any indication.
“Maybe, but I bet you’d still never talk to my mama the way you did.”
Mattias groaned. “I wouldn’t be talking to your mama or having the ideas I am with her either. So how about you and I go on upstairs and put these ideas into action?” He tugged James to his feet. “We can stand here and circle each other all night long….”
James got up, turned out the lights, and led Mattias through the house and up the stairs. “Go on into the bedroom. I want to check the doors downstairs so I don’t have to get out of bed later.” James pushed him back on the bed. “And dammit, be just like that when I come back.” He sped away, thumping down the stairs as Mattias kicked off his shoes, listening as James hurried around below, thudding on the wood floors, before barreling back up the stairs.
“Is this what you wanted?” Mattias asked, lying on the bed, his head on a pillow, his gaze following James through the room as he paced like a caged cat. “You nervous?”
“Yeah…,” James admitted, and Mattias sat up. “I know it’s stupid, but….”
He took James’s hand. “You have nothing to be nervous about. This is going to be good for both of us. That’s what sex is. It should be fun, not a source of consternation.” He tugged James toward the bed, then kissed him as he lured him closer. “We can take our time, and we don’t have to be anywhere until tomorrow morning.” God, he hoped that was true and that no phone calls came in to make him a liar.
“Let’s hope,” James whispered.
“Even cops have to have some time when they aren’t working.” Mattias tugged James down onto the bed. “Join me for a while, said the spider to the fly.” He was feeling particularly happy at the moment.
“That is such a bad analogy,” James countered, pressing Mattias back onto the pillows. “Besides, I’m the spider, just so you know.” He bared his teeth for a second. “Don’t forget that.”
Mattias chuckled, running his fingers down James’s cheek. “You really think so? I’m the one with the wiles to lure you up here.” He knew it wasn’t fair, but he didn’t give James a chance to argue, kissing him instead, tugging him down on top of him.
“You and your filthy mind,” James teased.
“A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste,” Mattias countered, tugging at James’s shirt, getting it up and over his head. Now that was so much better. Mattias just needed to get his off. He groaned, because James was no help, running his hands around his middle as soon as he lifted his shirt. Mattias laughed as James tickled him with his lips while he was stuck in his shirt. It was hard to concentrate with James’s lips and hands on his skin. It was decadent to be touched that way. Somehow he managed to get his shirt off. He dropped it on the floor and lay back down.
“You’re like a cat, aren’t you?” James whispered as Mattias put his hands under his head. “You’ll soak in all the attention as though it’s your due.” James licked a nipple, and Mattias hissed softly, closing his eyes.
“It’s nice to have someone pay attention once in a while.” He ran his fingers through James’s soft, dark hair. “You know what it feels like to have someone want you and see you.” He guided James’s lips to his. “It doesn’t happen that often, and I keep expecting to wake up—that you and this is all a dream somehow.”
“You like that question, don’t you?” Mattias kissed him again. “Because maybe nothing good ever really happens.”
James rolled his eyes. “Or maybe you need to shut up and let the good happen.” He cocked his eyebrows, and Mattias figured that maybe he was right, so he put his lips to better use. And damn, James was an amazing kisser—he knew exactly what to do with his lips.
Mattias groaned as James found a spot at the base of his neck that sent a quiver racing through him. He stilled and clamped his eyes shut, afraid to move as James slid downward, fingertips and tongue blazing a trail down his quivering belly. God, he wanted this to last, but with the way James had him wound up, he wasn’t sure if that was going to happen.
Breathing deeply, he fought the urge to wrestle control from James and just went with his brand of pleasure, which quickly turned out to push all of Mattias’s buttons. And the amazing thing was that James hadn’t actually touched him yet. Their pants were still on, though Mattias was already throbbing in his shorts, desperate for more. James knew the magic of touch and care, even if, as he said, his relationship experience was limited.
“Jimmy,” Mattias whimpered, and James paused. Mattias opened his eyes to find a deep gaze meeting his. “Don’t stop.”
“What did you call me?” James growled.
“Jimmy,” Mattias said, as though it were natural. He ran his hands down James’s back and over his rock-hard ass, gripping the globes with his fingers. “Damn, you really are made of rocks.”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” James demanded.
Mattias was more than happy to oblige, slipping his hands inside James’s sweats, his warm, smooth skin sliding under his hands. James quivered and deepened the kiss while Mattias did his best to slide the material downward past James’s hips, shimmying out of his own pants and shorts.
The two of them did this weird, demented dance that eventually ended with the pants on the floor and the two of them naked, pressed to each other. This was heaven, their heat melding, James slowly caressing him, sliding downward, trailing a line of heat that intensified and built until James slipped his lips down Mattias’s length, stealing his ability to talk—hell, to even think.
“Jimmy, if you keep that up, I’m….” He gripped the bedding as a wave of ecstatic pleasure washed over him. He clamped his eyes shut, afraid to tell James to stop, but if he didn’t, it was going to be o
ver way too soon, and Mattias wanted this to last.
James must have sensed what he wanted, and backed away, leaving Mattias breathless and hanging on the edge. “What do you want?” James asked, and Mattias blinked out of his pleasure daze. “What will make you happy?”
So few people had ever asked that question, and Mattias found himself at a loss. He swallowed and shrugged before he could think much about it.
James kissed him and then asked again.
“Just take your time,” Mattias answered, his mind way too clouded for rational thought. He wound his arms around James’s neck, drawing him even closer, kissing him harder, letting the passion overtake him once again. This was what he wanted so badly, and he hadn’t even realized it until now.
“I can do that,” James whispered, and proceeded to worship Mattias as though he were truly something special.
Time had no meaning as James engulfed his mind in waves of pleasure that ebbed back, only to rise higher the next time. Mattias held on to James, and the bedding, trying to ensure he didn’t fly away and explode into pieces of searing ecstasy. He was determined not to beg, but as time passed and the need for release grew greater and more urgent, he found himself doing just that, only to have James hold him off even longer.
“Are you ready?” James asked from over him, arms on either side of Mattias, sheathed erection poised and ready to enter him. James was the king of foreplay, and damn it all, Mattias was so ready. He nodded, and James entered him slowly, filling him so completely, he clutched his arms, begging for more. James paused and then continued, purposely driving Mattias out of his mind. The stretch was divine, the heat that surrounded him, radiating off James’s body, was heavenly. When James filled him completely, pressing him into the sheets, chest to chest, his hips rolling slowly enough that Mattias heaved for breath, pleasure morphed to ecstasy.
He placed his hands on James’s hard chest, their gazes locking, and for a few seconds, James was completely open to him—the hurt, the pain, the joy, and the happiness all melding together in his deep brown eyes. There are depths to anyone, and Mattias figured that being able to see them was a rarity. He hadn’t even known if James had meant to show him so much of himself, but it had been there, written in his eyes for just a few moments. Then it was gone, replaced with tenderness and care, but the glimpse into James’s soul had passed… or had been replaced, because Mattias wasn’t going to last much longer.
James was magical, and he seemed to be able to play Mattias like an instrument that had been out of tune for years and was suddenly producing the most profound music imaginable. He clung to James, moving with him, his head growing light until he couldn’t take it anymore. James filled his senses, from the musky scent that permeated the room, to deep groans and the vision of taut muscle before him. All of it combined to the point where Mattias couldn’t take it anymore. His pleasure centers pinged again and again, his body on overload. He closed his eyes and let go of the last of his control, tumbling into release with a cry that echoed in his ears as his entire body tingled in sheer amazement as he let it wash over him.
Mattias lay still, his body aching in all the right places. James gently wiped his skin with a warm cloth, and he sighed contentedly, sitting up slowly to kiss him.
“I’ll be right back,” James whispered, and left the room. He returned a few minutes later and slid into bed.
“James… I….”
James put a finger to his lips. “No more talking right now. I promise we can talk about anything you want to in the morning.” They settled in bed, and James spooned to his back, holding him tightly. “For tonight, just let things be, and try to stop wondering, okay?”
Mattias hummed his agreement. He didn’t have the energy to talk right now anyway. He was happy, and Mattias would leave it at that. The whys and wherefores could wait for now, and his normally churning head could settle into quiet.
But the damn thing refused to, and after a half hour, Mattias lay in bed, his head running through possible scenarios.
“You need to close your eyes and relax,” James whispered.
“That’s a stretch coming from you.” James never seemed to relax. “I keep thinking about these thieves and them using kids. It’s got my mind racing in circles.” He rolled over. “What I keep coming back to is why the thieves would put their kids in school. Why not blow into town, use them, and then leave again? If I were going to do something like that, it’s what I’d do. Keep everyone out of the public eye as much as I could.”
“But you know how things are,” James said. “They have to live somewhere, and if the kids aren’t in school, neighbors will call Child Protective Services. It’s how things work today.” James tugged him closer. “Regardless, we have to follow every lead—it’s part of the job.” James kissed his shoulder. “So is getting some rest so I don’t fall asleep behind the wheel tomorrow.” He stroked Mattias’s shoulder, and Mattias closed his eyes, trying to sleep.
Chapter 8
FIVE SCHOOLS and he was getting nowhere. James had talked to the others, and they’d reported the same thing. They were running out of possibilities. He had one more on his portion of the list, but Clay and Pierre were already heading back to the station. This was turning out to be a waste of time. Maybe Mattias was right and James was barking up the wrong tree. Still, he had one school to go.
He pulled into the Riverside Elementary parking lot and exited the car. James got out his badge, went to the front door, and rang the bell for entrance, looking up at the camera. It probably would have been easier to call, but he needed to impress how important this was and it was easier to put him off on the phone.
A woman came out of the office, the hallways filling with children flowing around her. “May I help you?” she asked from the other side of the door.
James showed his badge, and she let him in. “I need to speak to Principal Miller, please,” James said. “Are you her assistant?”
“Yes. Gloria Malton.” She smiled as the last of the kids passed by her. “Recess. Let the kids run off some of that energy.” She opened the office door and led him inside.
A striking woman came out of the other office. “What can I do for you, officer…?”
“Detective Levinson, but please call me James.”
“Kim Miller,” she said, and they shook hands. She motioned to her office. “I hope none of my kids are in trouble.”
He loved how she said “her kids,” like she cared for each one. “Nothing like that.” He took the offered seat. “Please stay as well,” he told Gloria. “Look, I’m sure you’ve heard about the rash of robberies that have been taking place.”
“Yes, of course,” Kim said. “But what does that have to do with us?”
“One of the people involved has been selling the goods, and they’ve been seen with a child.” He sighed. “We’re checking with all the schools to ask if they could please keep an eye out and let us know if they hear or see anything. The woman they were with had a southern-type accent, and we suspect that they might have arrived in the area a few months ago….”
Both Kim and Gloria shared a look and then turned back to him.
“You know something.”
Kim took the lead. “Yes. We had a couple of families move into the area, and they enrolled four children soon after the start of the school year. Classes had started just a few weeks ago.” She seemed reluctant, and James couldn’t blame her. “I have no idea if these families have anything to do with what you’re looking for or not, and I can’t allow you to speak with the children without their parents present.”
James understood that, and he saw the problem. “I don’t expect you to break any rules. However, if you could, check with their teachers to see if the children talk about anything unusual. I’m afraid it’s possible that the children are being used in the thefts.”
Both of them paled.
“How did you deduce that?” Kim asked.
“A number of things, including the fact that all th
e thefts are outside school hours.” He leaned forward. “I’m running down any and all leads. As I said, I don’t want you to break any rules, but if one of your teachers or either of you should hear anything, I’d appreciate it if you’d give us a call. We believe that these children are being used by their parents or guardians, and I want to stop the thefts and to help these children. They deserve a better environment to grow up in.” He tried not to think of his own home life and how his father’s profession had affected him, but it was damned near impossible.
“All right. I’ll check with the teachers and inquire with my staff. If I hear anything, I will pass it along, as long as you promise to put the welfare of my children above everything else.”
Dang, James wished he had had this lady when he was in school. She really seemed to care about the children. “Of course….” He began to stand, but she wasn’t done.
“Do you know what this sort of thing can do to a child?” Kim pressed.
“Yes, ma’am. I am well aware of the fear and worry that a child can have. I also know what it’s like to have parents who keep secrets and have lives that aren’t necessarily conducive for raising children.” He stood and extended his hand to shake with both of them. “I appreciate any help you can give me.” He waited for Gloria to escort him down halls that were now quiet, and out of the building, then returned to his car and drove out of town to the station.
“How did it go?” Mattias asked when he entered their team room.
“I think I might have had some luck at the last school. It seemed like the principal had some idea of some possible kids, but she isn’t going to just let us talk to them.”
“Why not?” Solly asked as he followed him inside.
James turned to the sheriff. “Because we don’t have any proof of what we’re thinking. I can’t blame them for not wanting to tell us what they suspect right away.” James met Solly’s hard gaze. “She’s protecting her kids, which is what she should be doing.”